Dec 26, 2011

Cauliflower Soup

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays now beginning to slow down, a simple pot of warm, healthy soup is the perfect thing for these last few wintery days of 2011. So go ahead and cozy up with a new book, movie, (or iPad!) and enjoy yourself a steaming bowl of incredibly delicious cauliflower soup.

Now, cauliflower isn't the most flavorful of vegetables... That is, unless it is cooked just right. I particularly love roasted cauliflower, how it transforms into a richly caramelized treat. And now this. This is my new favorite way to enjoy the delicate little "snow-covered trees."

This soup might seem plain, but trust me. Paul Bertolli, often referred to as one of the greatest American chefs, knows exactly how to make a vegetable become the best it can be. This recipe makes for a soup that's delicate, sweet, and silky smooth. 

I hope that you enjoy the simplicity and deliciousness of this soup. And most importantly, I hope you (whoever you are!) have a very, very lovely rest of 2011!

Notes: Be sure to use the freshest cauliflower you can find, as it is the star of the dish. Also, the extra-virgin olive oil and fresh black pepper complete the soup, so I advise against being shy.

Adapted from Cooking by Hand, by Paul Bertolli


  1. Your soup looks just lovely. It is a beautiful photo!

  2. Man, why don't you invite me over when you make these things?!

  3. nice soup.I think it is a testy food.i love all cauliflower recipes .
