Jun 18, 2011

Avocado & Tomato Tartine

Sometimes the best things are simple things, yes? Actually, I might argue that usually the best things are simple things.

Like a slice of fresh, piping-hot bread from the oven smeared generously with salted butter.

...or a just-picked tomato, eaten like an apple.

...or a halved avocado in one hand and a spoon in the other.

...or the smell of fresh feta cheese.

Over-complicating is totally over-rated.

Avocados and tomatoes are pretty simple and we all know that feta is what makes the world go 'round. So why not combine the three for a delicious tartine? Well, I did just that and what I'm sharing with you today is a humble, not-quite-recipe that is a favorite of mine.

I've enjoyed this tartine equally well for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I suppose you could even go for all three on the same day. Now, how's that for simple!? Believe me, I've been tempted. One bite and you'll know what I mean.

Notes: This tartine is amazing when made with this sandwich bread, though any fresh whole-grain bread will do. Also, of course the best tomatoes are those just picked - either from the garden out back or the Saturday market. Nothing beats wonderful summer produce!

A Flour Sack original
Avocado & Tomato Tartine

1 ripe avocado, peeled
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Pinch of fine-grain sea salt, to taste

2 slices whole-wheat sandwich bread, toasted
1 fresh tomato, sliced
A bit of crumbled feta cheese

In a small bowl, mash the avocado with the lemon juice and salt.

Spoon the avocado mixture on each slice of toasted bread and spread to the edges. Top each tartine with a few tomato slices and sprinkle generously with feta cheese.

Yield: 2 tartines
This post linked to Real Food Wednesdays and The Nourishing Gourmet

Jun 4, 2011

Oatmeal Pancakes with Blueberry Maple Compote

What were you doing at 4 am this morning? Sleeping, I hope.

I'm usually sleeping at that hour, too. Not today, though. Nope, I wasn't asleep.

I was awake. Do you ever wake up early (as in, super early), still exhausted as can be, with a million thoughts running through your head? And you lay there for hours upon hours mad at your silly little noggin' for being so rude to keep you from your beauty sleep? I do. That's why I was awake at 4 am this morning.

Well, as it happens, one of those million thoughts running through my head was something like, "Hmmm.... Since I'm just laying here with nothing to do (heaven forbid I actually sleep!) in my pitch-black room, what'll be for breakfast today?" A few things crossed my mind but I promptly settled on oatmeal pancakes with blueberries because, well, it sounded scrumptious. I eventually made my way up to the kitchen (still pitch black out, yes), pulled out a few bowls and the griddle, and made a batch of my favorite pancakes.

Lending moisture and texture, the cooked oatmeal in these pancakes makes them extra-tasty. A bit of molasses compliments the nutty oats quite nicely. And when served warm with a bit of blueberry compote, you've got yourself a pretty good reason to get up early (meaning 7 or 8 am, not 4).

Notes: You can use all-purpose flour instead of the whole-wheat pastry, if that's what you have in your cupboard. Also, frozen or fresh berries will work equally well in the compote.

Pancakes adapted from Good to the Grain, Blueberry-Maple Compote a Flour Sack original

This post linked to Read Food Wednesdays and The Nourishing Gourmet